May 14, 2013

My Pad Your Pad Our Pad

Those little monsters are awesome, they are able to use Ipads for their lessons. I am quite sure back when I was six years old I am no where near to knowing to use technology as good as they are now. No doubt time has change and children are now more tech-savvy and literacy is expanded beyond reading and writing.

As the days go by, I find it fascinating how much more attentive children becomes when we are using ICT in their lesson, how much more they want to participate and pay attention in class. They are basically wanting to try out the activities done on the Ipad, smart-boards and computers. These types of active interaction in learning allows the children to construct their own knowledge as they explore. One interesting part that Mandy actually conducted for her ICT integration during station games was the simple touch game that allows the children to think before passing to the next stage was rather awesome!

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