May 12, 2013

The Success of ICT integration

Back in the first week of practical, I was given the task to teach nutrition based on the school's lesson plan. It was not easy at first looking at how to teach that in a short period of 30 minutes with 15 children however it all turns out well when 2 were absent and was assisted by another peer. Thank goodness for the many resources available online for me to check out suc as from the Smart Board Resources and Smart Exchange that I could adapt and modify in aligning to the school's goal and lesson objective. The lesson was pretty much interesting with the children fascinated with the use of smart-board and nonetheless their reflection was done using twitter where they write a one sentence reflection on what is their favorite fruit that is healthy.

Tomorrow marks the second week of practicum, with all the blooming ideas that I can find online, lesson planning is now hassle free, it is just the integration to make it meaningful, sometimes I think that as educator we too do deviate from the real purpose for example introducing twitter taking a longer time and in the end it becomes teaching them to use that software rather than using the software for their learning benefits. 

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