Mar 4, 2013

Say What? Toolbelt Theory?

This was rather interesting, the theory itself by Socol. I wasn't planning to check on the 76 slides but when I was reading on the two Vic's blog(Vicki, Vicky), I was fascinated by the glimpse of idea about Toolbelt. If you haven't been reading or would like to know more about Toolbelt, head down to SpeEdChange. Initially the toolbelt theory was developed for teaching and learning in special education, however it is applicable to all learners. The theory helps teachers to assist the learning process of the students. 

Toolbelt theory is a breakthrough in education as it focuses on teaching students to analyze tasks, the environment, their skills and capabilities. Socol stated that the selection of tool is based on the task presented, and hence came out with the abbreviation of TEST.

1. Tasks
Before selecting a tool, it depends on the nature of the tasks, how difficult the task can be for the individual to carry out. Could it be possible for them to do it without the tool.
2. Environment
The environment decides on which tool comes handy too, depending on where they are at that time and place, the tool is selected.
3. Skills
The tool is however dependent on the users skills, are the users competent enough to use the tools and if not what other tools could be used.
4. Tools
Is the tool itself use-able or what could be done if the tool is destroyed or not able to solve the tasks.

Reflecting on my experience in teaching and learning, sometimes I happen to make the student handicapped in certain test. For example, I remember a child that was in my class before, that he is quite a bright child, he speaks well but writes poorly. There was a test to see their competencies, and we are to use paper and pencil test, he did badly despite he knows the answer. Indeed we need the right tools, skills for the tasks depending on the environment. 

Check out this site that offers free learning, with no boundaries of which sector.

I might as well head down to learn something new for free from the site above, so do you!

This site is helpful considering that the Toolbelt method has a flaw at the tool section. Knowing which tool to use indeed wonderful but how to use it? Sometimes we know what to choose from but the lack of knowledge kills it all. Sites like Learnfree offers solution for learners to learn  more about the tools they are going to use.

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