Apr 19, 2013

I Dont Know What to Reflect

There are times that when we are writing an assignment or perhaps blog post or even freelance writing online and we just ran out of inspirations or things to write. As I read on Tan's post regarding her last post randomly writing, I come to think about how I used to meet dead end when doing assignments and works, then I will be cracking my head over and over again. However with internet, and other search engine I am able to gather some ideas. Imagine people back in those days of non-internet era. They would sit down alone in any place to get inspiration or perhaps talk to their  friends to get some ideas and the famous one is to read books and more books to get inspirations.

Wikipedia - The new encyclopedia 
Life is much easier this days with the help of the 3 big players in the internet world. Google, Yahoo and Wikipedia can provide whatever you want to know and almost everything you need from education to business. I remember clearly those days when we dont have the internet at home and when we want to know more about certain things in the middle of the night, we would call up our friends and look up for books or perhaps we have to wait for the next day to seek our teachers or library to look for information. 

But then again, with all these search engines, it has made us a little more lazier than we used to be. We do not want to open up books to search for information and rely fully on the internet. What if one day, the future generation can't even search for information in the book or perhaps when all the books are gone, and if the internet is gone what would happen?

Just a little gratitude and appreciation for USQ, that I can look for more info on their elibrary and forums during wee hours to do my assignment. =D

1 comment:

Kay Yi said...

Come by and visit my blog for more ideas ;P http://teacherkayyi.blogspot.com/